EMI stand for 'Energy Meridian Index’. It
is a new and revolutionary way of energetically testing for blockages, excess and/or deficiencies within each of the meridians
and organs.
O.M. Diagnosis-type testing was invented by Dr. Melanie J. Myers, L. Ac. and is not available anywhere else.
Here are some important questions that were answered
by Dr. Myers that you may find helpful.
Q: What
is a meridian?
A: It is a pathway in which Qi , also called life-force runs through the body via these meridians and supplies
every cell, tissue and organ. Without the life-force, the body would wither and die.
Q: Why is it important to get EMI Testing and when?
A: On your first visit, you will have the option of receiving the initial examination. This information will then be put into chart form and explained in consultation so that you can see your
overall and specific health status.
The Initial EMI Evaluation, Chart and Exam is optional
and of no charge because it provides vital and important information on your health. It is also suggested that you receive
one at mid-way and at the end of your treatments so that you can compare how much progress you have made and your current
health status.
Our bodies don’t always exhibit signs or symptoms
of illness initially and disease or an out-of-balanced state can remain hidden until the damage has further progressed and
then is often too far along for the damage to be reversed. Prevention is key to health and overcoming the ‘silent killer’s
such as heart and other organ diseases, cancer, diabetes etc. EMI testing can detect illness or out of balance states of disease
before they do their damage.
EMI Evaluations will compare your progress from
each prior test period as they build upon each other like stepping stones on the path to better health.
By this process, we hope to encourage clients to
follow through with their treatments so they can see and experience the end result.
Q: How do you perform this evaluation?
A: How do I perform this evaluation? Well, in order to test, you have to first
be sensitive and then have the experience to feel and interpret the energy running through each meridian and organ. You can
say it is a talent or skill that is fortunately inherently within me, brought out through my spiritual training
and it developed from there.
Q: What
kind of spiritual training have you had and from who?
A: well, I grew up with a lot
of wonderful people and tools around me. I knew about the world of energy around us at a very young age. It
wasnt till a few years ago that I met my spiritual teacher. He is a Hawaiin Kahuna. Kahuna means priest. Their religion
is called Huna which has been passed down by mouth since the beginning of mankind but never written about till author, Max
Freedom Long. Although he never taught me 'how to heal others' , he instead helped me to see the world with open eyes, from
a wider perspective, how we are connected by a supreme being and to eachother, and that unconditional love is the energy by
which universes and mankind are created and run. He also helped me to develop that which was already within me,
a unique set of talents, bringing them out gently. I found that the more I let go of situations, people, things, and ideas,
everything became much more simpler and easier and this love energy flowed even more in through and around my body and environment
helping me to develop my skills. When this energy is abundant, it is there to share with others. I use this when
i meet with others whether it is in class, a workshop, during a treatment, or in person. This way all benefit to the best
of thier ability from our connection or meeting.
Q: what does Reverend or the initials O.M. mean?
A: O.M. are the initials
for ordained healing minister, which allows me to use these initials and also to marry people. It also helps others to identify
with what I do.
Q: How and when did you find out you could do this?
A: I realized I had this talent or skill when I first visited my mom and was
told she had cancer. I was able to perceive the liver at highly toxic levels by merely touching certain parts of the body
and sometime not touching anything. This was when I had no idea that cancer cells actually produced toxins in the body. I
could feel the pulses of the tumors throughout her abdomen at my fingertips and the liver organ pulse (used in oriental medicine
was very minimal and not working properly and was about to ‘give up’, due to its highly toxic level. I indicated
to her that she needed to immediately go on a cleanse to detox her liver or it wasn’t going to continue to do its job!
When the liver stops working, the person dies because it can no longer filter the toxins out of the body along with the kidneys.
The masters of old use to due this and I am only bringing it forward in an updated fashion.
Q: Aren’t machines more accurate at being able to read the meridian levels of energy?
A: there are some that will find an acupuncture point and others that will register the level of each meridian;
however they are not very accurate, nor do they register the energy of the entire meridian.The machine
along with the aid of the acupuncturist uses a probe on specific points. Acupuncturists are trained anatomically where acupuncture
points are located, but there are many variances that have to also be accounted for. Each human being has generally the same
anatomy, yet we are not at all alike. Even the right and left sides of the body are not symmetrically even and parts grow
that aren’t suppose to be there and some are missing or we have more than one, or they are misplaced. So there are many
variances. Then also, since the acupuncture points consist of energy, they are in constant motion and may not necessarily
be in the same place all the time but actually move around a bit. Therefore, it is vital that we begin to utilize the good
ole fashioned way of finding these spots and also the beginning and ending of each energy pathway and organ. Acupuncturists
rely on wrist pulses to identify the health of the body. This can for most part be accurate however, if there is a deficiency
within the arm, there wont be sufficient circulation of blood and energy running through to the wrist and can result in an
inaccurate reading. All the more reason to use not only the knowledge of what an acupuncturist learned in school, but also
incorporate their God-given, spiritually inherent talents and develop them into a skill they can use. I believe this will
be an important part of the healthcare system and many physicians and healers of all kinds will use this method in the near
General Questions and their Answers
Q: Why are
you so much cheaper than other Acupuncturists?
A: Well, In order to provide more people with natural alternative healthcare, we do our best to make it
affordable so patients will follow through with their treatment. We do our best to eliminate all excuses for not taking care
of your self thoroughly.
Also, we are not nestled in the heart of town. I
mostly think this is an advantage being in natural settings. Less sound pollution, air is cleaner and the energy is more relaxed
and is much more conducive to healing! Besides, we are located only 15 minutes from town, we have so many flowering trees
and plants here, and it is beautiful!
Another advantage is that we can (during good weather)
hold some of our classes outside! So I guess these are advantages to all who come here, as well as being less expensive than
our business competitors. Everything is a win win situation and the quality of care you will receive is non-rushed and family
oriented. We are all also licensed and/or certified and experienced in our areas of healthcare. We want people to get involved
in their healing, and we are here to support you through our many services.
Q: Do you
have any Free Classes or Meetings?
A: Yes. There are presently three free classes being held weekly on an ongoing basis.
People who find this website or hear about us want
to learn more about natural alternative healthcare and treatments which include acupuncture and their benefits. It is free
to everyone and all patients/clients are encouraged to attend.
there is a class on the how, what, where, when and why of herbs and herbal medicine and how you may benefit. Everyone is welcome.
Third, we have a special class available to advanced
practitioners of energy healing/light workers. It’s called the angels healing circle and it is held first week of each
month. In this meeting we will get together and conduct and record experiments in energy healing as well as perform group
healing to situations and people in need.
We also have a spiritual enlightenment class held
each Friday that explores consciousness and lessons to expand awareness and change perception. It plans to be a very exciting
yet laid back relaxed class so that anyone can ask questions or contribute. There is a donation offering for the free classes
so that we can pay for refreshments, advertising and receive copies of important materials, otherwise it is out of my pocket.
The other classes or workshops are held with a minimal
fee to compensate for some of the energy put into these. Donation offerings are also accepted but not mandatory at these classes
to pay for remaining balances on advertising, materials and refreshments. Advertising is expensive, all classes are made affordable
but not widley advertised, so if you have attended or want to, please spread the word to others and/or bring your friends.
We do require pre-registration in order to allow
for enough room so everyone will be comfortable. At this time, all classes are held here. This keeps cost low and makes us
more available to others. On occasion, we will consider traveling to conduct our classes or workshops. If you know of somewhere where we can hold a class that may be of benefit to others in that area, please
let us know. We will certainly consider it.
Q: What
if I just want a massage? Massage is healthy!
A: Yes, that is great! Because we provide professional healthcare with your health in mind, we certainly
believe in massage as being healthy for you and encourage it.
The best way to get a good massage is to let the
person doing it, know what is going on with your body first. We do this with our first visit evaluation.
Q: What
does Acupuncture Feel Life?
A: Acupuncture needles are gently placed
at the specific gateways of the body we spoke of earlier. These may not be felt at all, or may be felt s a mild initial sensation
upon entering followed by tingling, numbness, ache or traveling warmth. Acupressure on these same pointes is not often successfully
used with children.
Q: What
can I Expect With Acupuncture?
A: Most people are surprised at the depth
of relaxation, the intensity of energy which occurs, and sense of well-being and healing which occurs from the rebalancing
of energy.
Often relief
from symptoms is felt immediately, although relief may occur in the following days (or weeks) depending on the severity of
symptoms. You will find you will look forward to treatment for the many benefits that are received from acupuncture.
Many who
have lived with their condition for so many years believe they will just have to make do. Others live with pain thinning that
“someday” it will go away. Acupuncture has succeeded in many cases where other treatment have not. You can optimize
your health.
What is the Function of Acupuncture?
A: While the effect of acupuncture is
symptom relief, it is far more than this. With its origins in Taoism, acupuncture has served over the centuries to intercede
and re-attune a person to his source. Those who receive acupuncture often not only heal physically, but experience new and
profound states of peace, clarity and harmony through treatment which often has lasting impact.
How Effective is Acupuncture?
A: Acupuncture is highly effective not
only as a preventative medicine, but as a drug free treatment of signs and symptoms.
indicate that acupuncture influences the central and peripheral nervous system. Evidence shows it releases endorphins from
the brain which make acupuncture particularly effective in pain control.
a host of factors, acupuncture affects sugar, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels in the blood, the functioning of the gastrointestinal
system and the activity of the endocrine system.
works with the body, strengthening and balancing energy. It improves circulation and allows the body to heal itself more quickly
and more completely.
Q: Is Western Medicine incorporating Acupuncture into its system?
A: Western medical doctors have developed great interest in incorporating acupuncture, particularly as they have noticed
its impact and success— with addictions, AIDS, sports injuries, trauma, and pain relief.
Q: How Does Acupuncture Work?
A: As a system of medicine,
it uses natural laws and energetic principles rooted in Taoism with the application of needles, energy, and pressure to specific
points on the body. Each point provides a specific function in the body in regulating the free flow of vital energy for health
and well-being. Acupuncture accesses the source of life itself.
The acupuncturist opens or closes specific “gates”
or points grouped along certain lines of energy flow called meridians, which go deep into the body. Disease, for example,
is prevented or treated by stimulating or reducing the flow of vital energy or “chi” through specific points in
the body. Vital energy then is strengthened or sedated, monitored, and balanced to achieve the desired result.
Western doctors are discovering medications can suppress or stimulate
electrical impulses within the body but they cannot regulate it in the way in which acupuncture can.
Q: How Will an Acupuncturist’s Treatment Be Different Than Other
Types of Therapy?
A: The acupuncturist’s
approach is to treat “the person first”. Not just the
symptoms. The disease is treated as the result. Many acupuncturists listen to
you extensively regarding your history and life patterns during the initial
examination. Others may move directly into a physical examination.
Acupunctur4ist are particularly trained to observe very subtle signs and
symptoms which are thought of as insignificant or often overlooked by western
medical practitioners.
An acupuncturist uses the oriental diagnostic system. This takes into account
many factors to determine the correct points or gateways along the vital energy
pathways of the body, called meridians. These points are treated and used to
regulate the vital energy in the body— thereby quickening healing, enhancing
health and the feeling of well-being.
The acupuncturist will talk with you about the types of therapies s/he can use to
treat you. This may include acupuncture, acupressure, herbal medicines,
moxibustion, nutrition, exercise, etc. S/he may recommend further treatment
based on the type, severity and the duration of the condition, and your
physical state at the time of treatment. For best therapeutic results, s/he will
talk with you about home care recommendations so you can optimize your
progress and total health!
Q: Are the Needles Sterilized?
A: Always. Most acupuncturists
have now converted to the exclusive use of
sterilized disposable needles which this office uses. We have always used
sterilized disposable types. These needles are discarded after each use,
ensuring you absolute safety.
Q: What If My Regular Doctor Isn’t Familiar with the Benefits of
A: With your written permission
we can speak and work with him/her
personally; or by your choice we can recommend a doctor who can provide a
referral for acupuncture if this is needed.
Acupuncture and oriental medicine has stood the test of time for well over
2000 years! The far-reaching impact of this ancient cost effective medical
system for healing, wellness, and transformation could well herald the medicine
of the future. We encourage you to proceed with confidence into new
possibilities for health and well-being. We welcome you to acupuncture care.
Q: What if I am Healthy? Can Acupuncture Help Prevent Future
Problems or Enhance Health?
A: Yes. Acupuncture has traditionally been used as a preventive medicine. Recent research has now verified
that acupuncture stimulates immune function which increases your resistance to bacterial and viral infections. Acupuncture
can dramatically increase overall vitality and energy. It treats underlying causes, a deeper kind of healing. It effects profound
changes in peoples’ lives on the emotional level as well. Many people find that an occasional acupuncture tune-up is
the best medicine to feel “in sync” and insure continuing health.
Q: Is Acupuncture Safe?
A: Yes. Because acupuncture
treatment is drug-free, you avoid the risk of drugs which can cause many side effects or dependency. During each acupuncture
session your acupuncturist can adjust the treatment according to your symptoms so that you receive constant monitoring of
any changes. Always inform your health practitioner about all preexisting conditions, known problems, the names of all medications
you are taking; if you are or could be pregnant; and if you have a cardiac pacemaker. Your acupuncturist will be able to evaluate
your specific situation with this information to ensure best results.
Acupuncturist receives extensive training and are licensed or
certified by strict state or foreign country regulatory boards. Many highly trained acupuncturists work closely with medical
doctors in their local community who regularly find that the combination of treatments is very effective and beneficial for
the patient.
Q: Is Acupuncture Recommended for Emergency Situations or Acute
Medical Problems?
A: It is strongly recommended that you first seek immediate medical
attention at a nearby hospital for such conditions as difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath; dizziness, fainting
or feeling faint; pain or pressure in the chest or upper abdomen, sudden weakness or severe pain; sudden bleeding; injuries,
falls, suicide attempts, and when surgery, tests, x-rays, and life support equipment may be needed. Once the emergency is
over, you can then see an Acupuncturist. An Acupuncturist can be seen for first Aid circumstances in certain instances, depending
on the circumstances.
Q: Are There Any Other Conditions for which Acupuncture is not
A: Yes. Acupuncture is generally not recommended for the primary
treatment of severe infection, cancer, and heart failure. However, acupuncture has been found very useful in studies inside
the U.S. and other parts of the world
for easing the effects of chemotherapy and of pain in advanced cancer patients.
Q: Who Should I see First, an MD or an Acupuncturist?
A: This is at your discretion. An acupuncturist has 7-9 years of
schooling and experience varies. They both specialize in patient care however the approach and treatment will be different.
Does your condition fall within the general guidelines mentioned in the list included in this brochure for acupuncture? You
may want to talk with the acupuncturist on the phone before scheduling an appointment. Get a feel for the particular practitioner’s
approach to care. You should be given some direction as to how to best proceed. An Acupuncturist can also tell you if a referral
is required.
Q: Can Acupuncture Improve Athletic Performance or Treat Sports
or Work-Out Injuries?
A: Absolutely yes. Acupuncture can speed healing and eliminate the
discomfort of many sports injuries.
Q: Can I continue taking My Regular Medication While Receiving
Acupuncture? A: Yes. Acupuncture treatment may be used along with other medical
care to
great advantage. It has also been used for pain control after
other medical or dental procedures, of improving healing, and to lesson the side-effects of some drugs.
Q: Can Acupuncture be used with Infants or Children?
A: Yes. Treatment without needles is primarily used for young children.
Studies have shown that it is useful for treating jaundice in newborns. Infants and babies can also be successfully treated
for colic, earache, cerebral palsy, myopia, and bed-wetting. Many parents have found that by introducing their children to
acupuncture, many childhood diseases are avoided. In the Orient, parents are encouraged to have their children treated every
month as a preventive measure.
Q: Can Acupuncture Help Senior Citizens?
A: Yes. Acupuncture is for
people of all ages, but the elderly can often experience great benefits from enhanced circulation. It can assist with insomnia.
It can increase mental clarity and regulate stroke patients as soon as possible after their diagnosis because it is helpful
in eliminating or decreasing related paralysis.
Q: Can Acupuncture Be Effective When Other Treatments Have failed?
A: Yes. Each system of medicine
has its own areas in which it has its greatest effectiveness. Acupuncture's advantage is that its diagnostic and treatment
system has a broad and deep understanding of our energetic nature, as well as the impact of energy in healing. It is not limited
by western medicine’s assumption that disease is based in biochemistry. Acupuncture is powerful medicine which works,
despite belief or unknown factors.
Q: Does Acupuncture Hurt?
A: Most people are surprised (and relieved!) to learn that acupuncture
needles are very thin — not like hypodermic needles which are big and hollow that nurses use for shots. Acupuncturists
can attain a high level of skill in gently placing these tiny needles and often the insertion is barely perceptible. And there
is more good news! The needles are usually inserted only several millimeters in depth — again, very unlike hypodermic
injections. The acupuncturist will help you to relax and receive the most value from treatment. After the needle is inserted
you may feel nothing or sometimes a vague numbness, “heaviness” or slight tingling. The treatment is effective
whether their is sensed or not. After treatment, many experience a euphoric feeling — and often profound peace.