People who go through health changes, good or bad, are often going through major events/crisis
in their life. Then to top it off, most people that go to the doctor or a specialist are pushed through the system and left
with many questions of what’s going on and not having anywhere to turn.
We help to eliminate all that fuss and confusion that by providing not only a natural healthcare
system that is warm, caring, friendly and attentive to your needs, We will also work with your regular doctors to get answers
for you. We offer support counseling to get your questions answered and if we don’t know the answers we will find out
what we can by talking directly to your doctor for you. We will get the answers and give it to you in terms you can understand.
We are also here to provide support in speaking with you about your health issues, Herbal
or body detox medicine/procedures, any lifestyle changes, spiritual matters such as life’s’ meaning, our purpose,
death etc, and I teach the spiritual path to those who are ready via this counseling method.
Have the support you need when you need it. For legality reasons, just as companies have
to put that the fda hasn’t evaluated a product yet, I need to mention to you that this does not replace regular psychiatric