Acupuncture & Natural Therapies/ Melanie Myers

Meditation For Health
General Q and A
For beginning & moderate level Students

Learn the Art of Meditation...

Relaxation plays a key role in your health. Most people don’t know how to relax fully. Here we will teach you this method along with specific visualization methods(self-hypnotherapy) that have been shown to reduce pain levels and boost your immune system which means better health for you!  We will answer any questions you may have about meditation, and then we will practice what we learn. This is an ongoing class held each Thursday,6-8pm. As more people come regularly, we will adjust class we will move toward more advanced methods. $10/ per class.


*discount for ongoing participants; after first four classes, your seating for meditation group is only $5.! Once you have mastered this level through practice, you can then move to the advanced level class or stay where you are.


Call us asap to sign up: 540-785-9381

Seating is very limited(small classes)

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Acupuncture & Natural Therapies/ Melanie Myers

Providing services in the following areas:
Fredericksburg, Virginia
Stafford, Caroline, Woodford, Thornburg,Spotsylvania, King George, Fallmouth, and more.

©2007 Melanie Myers, All rights reserved