Acupuncture Near Me

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Call today to reserve your spot. bring a friend. its free to come and participate.

Please reserve your seat asap!

I will be limiting classes to 20 participants.
First come first serve basis.

Leave a message with what class you are interested in, your name and contact number, and I will call you back shortly.



Devotional night: for solitude, Peace of mind, inner healing,sooth the emotions, and uplifting the spirit.

Being devoted to ones health and whole being is a state of mind where one has learned to unconditonally love the self and be at peace of mind and acceptance. this is when healing and miracles takes place in our life. with an attitude of gratitude, being thankfully devoted to ones health and wellbeing, one learns to relax and be happy in thier surroundings. Devotional night is a way to practice particitation of wellbeing.

Here, you will not only learn how but will actually practice the universal laws of abundance(through the powerful union of group consciousness) to support what we truly desire and want to manifest in our life.
We will start with a brief introduction
guided instructions
Devotional tools will include but no limited to:
guided imagery, guided, relaxation and silent meditation, light yoga stretches,positive affirmations, mantras, short movie meditations, toning with voice,Tibetan bell,crystals/gemstones/rocks, color,light, to enliven the senses and open the heart to unconditional love.
our purpose is to clear the mind, de-stress the body, let go of undesirables, unblock, activate, energize and harmonize our field, create more presence and focus so that we can open to our true life purpose, and what we truly positive and wonderful things we want to bring into our lives.
we will end again with a lighter or silent meditation so that one leaves in a perfectly balanced state of mind, body and soul connection.
A gift is given to each member at the end of sessions.
Cost: Donation of $5 or more is appreciated, to deffer my own costs and effort.

To begin: January/2010
Class Schedule: 6pm
January 12,26
Feb. 9,23
March 9,23
April 13,27
May 11,25
June 8,22
July 13,27
Aug 10,24
Sept 14,28
Oct 12,26
Nov 9,23
Dec 14,28


2. Come learn about Acupuncture! Bring a friend! learn the various types of treatments,how an acupuncturist diagnoses, how treatment works and can benefit you, This is a free class and discounts are given to each participant who makes an appointment that evening. This class is held 1st week of each month.

Class Schedule: 6pm
Jan. 5, 2010
March 2
April 6
May 4
June 1
July 6
Aug 3
Sept 7
Oct 5
Nov 2
Dec 7
this is a tenative schedule, please call to see if class is being held.


3. Learn from an expert on Herbal Medicine and supplements! Dr. Myers will discuss what is out there and how it can benefit you. This will include the quality, brand and formula compositions. learn what will and wont work for you and what herbs to stay away from and which are okay to take regularly. Products/order forms will be available.
Participants receive a free consultation with product purchase.

Where: to be determined
cost: $45
Date: to be determined

Call today to get put on the waiting list. When location and date is chosen, you will be informed and be the first to be called to reserve your spot.

In the process of reworking my website, I was taking down old testimonies of people I had treated. This was a testimony from my mother some years ago when I was in acupuncture school and still learning. She had developed Non-hodgkins lymphoma, a type of cancer that spreads through out the body via the lymph nodes. My mother survived over 10 years with the cancer. Even though I did not live near her, I prescribed Chinese herbal medicines for her, and also while she was going through chemo and radiation, to lessen the side affects of chemo, and to boost her immune system, and to make her feel stronger. one of the major symptoms she mentioned often was feeling very weak, so I made sure to include herbal medicine that would make her feel strong, boost her immunity, decrease nausea,etc. I wish I could have done more, but know that it is in the hands of each person to take care of themselves and up to them as far as how much treatment they will accept, and limited to living so far away from eachother, you have to learn to also accept this and the other persons rights about their own health.In her last few years she chose chemo only and decided to let go of life and join my father who had died one year earlier. They had been together since they were 18/19 yrs old. I love you mom, I Love you dad.... John Myers/June 2007, Joy Myers/July 2008

My immune system was really, really low. Low enough to let cancer take over, and now, after taking your prescription herbs, it's very nearly normal, and my blood is perfect now, the doctor said.  In addition, there is a big difference in how I look and feel.  If I get under the weather now, it doesnt last long, and my nails are shiny again, where they were chalky and dull.  The bags under my eyes are much better, and the eyes do not look so tired anymore.  Under no circumstances would I ever again be without those herbs.
I really do appreciate them, Melanie.  And just think, we have a doctor in the family.  

Love, Mom


This is a special picture looking off from the rooftops of the place I was staying at when in hawaii. It is special because when I graduated, I had planned on moving there. I even got my acupuncture license and began a short session of working as a teacher at the acupuncture school.Everything can change quickly. I realized for me that being near family was most important next to finding the spiritual connection to self and source which is what brought me there in the first place. I also found that this place is not necessarily found on a tropical paradise island or heavenly place away from everything, or from where you are now, it is, always is, and always was inside you. that is where happiness resides. outside of self is family and friends. Thirdly, the place in which I live come after these. I can always visit Hawaii and plan to several times throughout my life.