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The Angels Healing Circle


For med.-advanced healers only/Free

*Angel circle held first Wednesday of each month


This is a meeting of energies from the best healers in the area. This is an Invitation to all sincere healers/light workers who want to make a difference in our field.

We will be generating some powerful collective energy, which helps the collective consciousness as well as each individual being on their path of soul growth.

Our focus here will be;

1. Healer heal thyself (that’s us), then once our energy is replenished,

2. we will use our renewed energies to benefit those people/events that are called to our attention.

3.  From there we will then conduct and record experiments showing effects of our focused intended healing efforts.


This is a group that is very much oriented toward realizing that unconditional love is the energy source of our being and therefore we drawl upon it for the purpose of advancing our healing field and conducting divine will for the best of all concerned. No ego consciousness is allowed.

By Medium - Advanced light workers, I mean people who have learned to work with this universal energy and expanded their perception of life and self to be in at least somewhat conscious awareness of their true being without the interference of the ego/human personality standing in the way.

Meeting is held once a month, first Wednesday 6-7:30pm.

Outside near the plum trees and dogwoods during nice weather.

Namaste(the being/healer in me recognizes the being/healer in you)

Call us to sign up: 540-785-9381


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 we utilize an answering machine to take our calls.
Please clearly leave us;
*Your Name
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*and best possible time to be reached
And we will return your call promptly,
the same day.
Thank You!

Fredericksburg, VA